Much like the many digitization efforts that have come before, AI brings tremendous potential to help transform how work is done, and even access work that we didn’t think was possible. Consider that ER doctors hit an average of 4,000 keystrokes in a 10-hour shift — imagine all the good that could be accomplished from repurposing that effort, time, and mental energy by not just replacing some of this work, but also augmenting intelligence to help improve effectiveness and speed.
AI Success Depends on Tackling “Process Debt”
Typically, organizations in the midst of transformation efforts spend significant time and resources trying to correct massive amounts of “technical debt” — the price of years of short-term decisions and prioritizations that result in an overly complex technological infrastructure. But equally challenging is managing organizations’ often undiscussed “process debt” — the build-up of often antiquated, functionally isolated, and customer-disconnected ways of doing work. Without tackling process debt, companies won’t be able to realize the massive potential of technologies like AI. Remapping and reprioritizing how your organization does work can lead to startling results and focus your organization on the activities it’s better equipped to deliver.