• Guided Free Enterprise in Japan

    International business Magazine Article
    The widely held notion of “Japan, Inc.” is exaggerated; there is no monolithic business-government link. Even so, the cooperation (without incorporation) between the large corporate combines and the government bureaucracy is impressive in its strength and focus on the common economic good—especially in view of its achievements worldwide. As the economic power of the United […]
  • Marketplace Literacy: A Reverse Innovation Opportunity?

    Innovation & Leadership Digital Article
    Editor's note: This blog was written with Madhu Viswanathan, Professor of Business Administration at University of Illinois at Champaign, Illinois. The...
  • Beijing's Rules for State Capitalism Are Changing

    Global Business Digital Article
    The world is watching how China handles company defaults.
  • The Right Way to Restructure Conglomerates in Emerging Markets

    Government Magazine Article
    In many countries, diversified business groups substitute for the institutions that support effective markets in capital, labor, and goods and services. Their capacity for doing this must be strengthened through restructuring, not destroyed through dismantling.
  • Polycentric Innovation: The New Global Innovation Agenda for MNCs

    International business Digital Article
    Recently I delivered a talk a the Council on Foreign Relations titled “Managing the New Trajectory of Global Innovation” explaining why and how multinationals must revamp their Western-centric innovation strategy in order to effectively leverage global ideas, talent, and markets. In our increasingly multi-polar world characterized by the inexorable rise of emerging markets like Brazil, […]
  • In Beijing and Washington, Business as Usual

    Government Digital Article
    Last week the United States held a hotly contested election that demonstrated the challenges and strengths of the American political system. Both major parties talked of all that was wrong in American politics: a future of deficits, the monetization of political life, and the prospect of endless political gridlock. Yet at the end of the […]
  • How Xerox Innovates with Emerging Markets’ Brainpower

    Innovation Digital Article
    We recently attended the launch of Xerox’s Innovation Hub in Chennai (a major South Indian city), their first such venture outside the developed world. The initial mission of the Xerox India Innovation Hub is to develop document management solutions that are relevant to emerging market countries and, at the same time, that help innovate solutions […]
  • How Urban Culture Transcends Borders

    Marketing Magazine Article
    Anti-American sentiment poses a challenge to companies seeking to export to some regions of the world, most notably parts of Asia and the Middle East. At the same time, segments within those regions keenly identify with U.S. urban youth culture—the world of hip-hop and rap. Research I conducted among Chinese undergraduates suggests that this identification […]
  • Where the Race for Talent Is Tight, Women Gain Speed

    Gender Digital Article
    In fast-growing markets, women are getting ahead faster, too.
  • Turkey Badly Needs a Long-Term Plan for Syrian Refugees

    Labor Digital Article
    It’s time to stop treating the situation as a short-term crisis.
  • How Can India Unleash Its Entrepreneurs?

    Entrepreneurship Digital Article
    In the course of the last three days I have spent at the 2009 India Economic Summit organized by the World Economic Forum (WEF), I have heard speeches from many politicians and policy-makers — from Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to Commerce and Industry Minister Anand Sharma to Montek Singh Ahluwalia, Deputy Chairman of the Planning […]
  • Stop Making Plans; Start Making Decisions

    Analytics and data science Magazine Article
    In most companies, strategic planning isn’t about making decisions. It’s about documenting choices that have already been made, often haphazardly. Leading firms are rethinking their approach to strategy development so they can make more, better, and faster decisions.
  • How Big a Competitive Threat Is China, Really?

    Competitive strategy Digital Article
    Between 1945 and 1990, Japan went from rags to riches, entering the ranks of the world’s wealthiest countries and posing a direct challenge to U.S. competitiveness. Today, China seems to be replicating Japan’s economic miracle — with a population 10 times as large. Like Japan, China combines statist industrial policies with export-oriented development. And like […]
  • What a California Orange Tells Us About China’s Currency

    Competitive strategy Digital Article
    The other day, I bought two pounds of navel oranges for 99 cents a pound at my local market in Santa Monica, Ca. As I walked toward the checkout line, I noticed the oranges were stamped with Chinese characters. For a second, I felt proud, thinking oranges from local growers were destined for Asia, where […]
  • Power Without Purpose: The Crisis of Japan’s Global Financial Dominance

    International business Magazine Article
    Japan today sits on the largest cache of wealth ever assembled. It has the power to move markets anywhere in the world. Consider that. The Tokyo Stock Exchange has now surpassed New York to become the world’s largest on the basis of market capitalization. Osaka has bumped London to fourth place. Of the world’s ten […]
  • Decisions Without Blinders

    Decision making and problem solving Magazine Article
    The “bounded awareness” phenomenon causes people to ignore critical information when making decisions. Learning to expand the limits of your awareness before you make an important choice will save you from asking “How did I miss that?” after the fact.
  • With Innovation, You Don’t Get Points for Difficulty

    Innovation Digital Article
    Someone in India recently asked me what I thought about an innovation strategy featuring a heavy dose of “imitation.” My response was, “Innovation isn’t Olympic diving.” What did I mean? An individual diver’s scores for an event are a factor of two things: how well they execute their dive, and the “degree of difficulty” of […]
  • Research: Informal Leadership Comes at a Cost

    Leadership & Managing People Digital Article
    Taking on these duties can have a significant negative impact on employees' energy levels and job satisfaction.
  • Five Things They Don’t Tell You About Working in China

    International business Digital Article
    Setting up shop in a new country always comes with surprises. Things are never quite the way the due diligence report claimed. So, success doesn’t always come to the those with the best plans, but to the ones able to understand and respond to surprises. Few countries offer as many surprises as China. It delivers […]
  • Asian Leaders Value Creativity and Intuition More than Europeans Do

    Leadership Digital Article
    A global survey reveals a leadership gap between high-growth markets and established markets.
  • Guided Free Enterprise in Japan

    International business Magazine Article
    The widely held notion of “Japan, Inc.” is exaggerated; there is no monolithic business-government link. Even so, the cooperation (without incorporation) between the large corporate combines and the government bureaucracy is impressive in its strength and focus on the common economic good—especially in view of its achievements worldwide. As the economic power of the United […]
  • Marketplace Literacy: A Reverse Innovation Opportunity?

    Innovation & Leadership Digital Article
    Editor's note: This blog was written with Madhu Viswanathan, Professor of Business Administration at University of Illinois at Champaign, Illinois. The...
  • Beijing's Rules for State Capitalism Are Changing

    Global Business Digital Article
    The world is watching how China handles company defaults.
  • The Right Way to Restructure Conglomerates in Emerging Markets

    Government Magazine Article
    In many countries, diversified business groups substitute for the institutions that support effective markets in capital, labor, and goods and services. Their capacity for doing this must be strengthened through restructuring, not destroyed through dismantling.
  • Polycentric Innovation: The New Global Innovation Agenda for MNCs

    International business Digital Article
    Recently I delivered a talk a the Council on Foreign Relations titled “Managing the New Trajectory of Global Innovation” explaining why and how multinationals must revamp their Western-centric innovation strategy in order to effectively leverage global ideas, talent, and markets. In our increasingly multi-polar world characterized by the inexorable rise of emerging markets like Brazil, […]
  • DoubleDutch

    Innovation & Entrepreneurship Case Study
    View Details
    Lawrence Coburn and Pankaj Prasad, co-founders of the event solution startup DoubleDutch, have to make a significant decision about their young company's...
  • In Beijing and Washington, Business as Usual

    Government Digital Article
    Last week the United States held a hotly contested election that demonstrated the challenges and strengths of the American political system. Both major parties talked of all that was wrong in American politics: a future of deficits, the monetization of political life, and the prospect of endless political gridlock. Yet at the end of the […]
  • How Xerox Innovates with Emerging Markets’ Brainpower

    Innovation Digital Article
    We recently attended the launch of Xerox’s Innovation Hub in Chennai (a major South Indian city), their first such venture outside the developed world. The initial mission of the Xerox India Innovation Hub is to develop document management solutions that are relevant to emerging market countries and, at the same time, that help innovate solutions […]
  • PraDigi Open Learning: Transforming Rural India

    Innovation & Entrepreneurship Case Study
    View Details
    Pratham is a non-governmental organization, focusing on high-quality, low-cost and replicable interventions to address gaps in the Indian education system....
  • How Urban Culture Transcends Borders

    Marketing Magazine Article
    Anti-American sentiment poses a challenge to companies seeking to export to some regions of the world, most notably parts of Asia and the Middle East. At the same time, segments within those regions keenly identify with U.S. urban youth culture—the world of hip-hop and rap. Research I conducted among Chinese undergraduates suggests that this identification […]