• New Framework for Corporate Debt Policy

    Accounting Magazine Article
    Few, if any, articles on finance that have appeared in HBR have enjoyed the influence of the 1962 article reprinted here as a “Classic.” Gordon Donaldson’s analysis of how many companies haphazardly established their debt capacity, and his careful explanation of what he considered a better way, seemed to strike a chord among corporate administrative […]
  • Plastiq

    Innovation & Entrepreneurship Case Study
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    The young CEO of a venture-backed startup needs to figure out his go to market strategy and the right profile for his first key sales hires. Should he...
  • Cutting the Cost of HIV

    Finance and investing Magazine Article
    Companies doing business in the developing world have to contend with the staggering human and financial costs of HIV infection—and most would agree that conventional approaches to controlling the epidemic aren’t working. In our experience in the labor-intensive mining industries of Russia, South Africa, and Botswana, we’ve seen infection rates among workers exceeding 90% in […]
  • What SpaceX Can Teach Us About Cost Innovation

    Innovation Digital Article
    Saving money can be a creative act.
  • So You Think You Understand Revenues

    Costing Magazine Article
    Revenue is one of the most misunderstood, mismanaged, and neglected measures in business. Consequently, many executives still rely on gut feel, rather than on hard data, to make revenue decisions—often destroying value in the process. We’ve seen this happen in the dozens of companies we’ve studied. Consider the short shrift revenue gets on accounting reports, […]
  • A Case for Historical Costs

    Costing Magazine Article
    Do we really need to switch to replacement-cost accounting to understand how companies have performed?
  • The Failed Revolution in Health Care—The Role of Management

    Finance and investing Magazine Article
    The American health care industry is sick. Its huge fraction of our GNP—one out of every eight dollars—is double that of Japan and at least 50% higher than that of other developed countries. Because it is growing at rates 50% higher than the GNP, the industry’s cost hampers control of our disastrous trade deficit. Even […]
  • Adventurous Computer Games, Inc. (Abridged)

    Finance & Accounting Case Study
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    A new company that manufactures computer games must begin to capitalize computer software development costs. Issues that must be addressed include the...
  • Octane Service Station

    Finance & Accounting Case Study
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    The owner of a gas station must prepare financial statements.
  • The Coronavirus Crisis Doesn't Have to Lead to Layoffs

    Finance & Accounting Digital Article
    Leaders can approach this challenging time with flexibility, transparency, and compassion.