Nearly five years ago, a show that followed the lives of inmates in a women’s prison shook up television. Orange Is the New Black became an unexpected hit, helping to put Netflix on the map as a creator of innovative original entertainment. The show pushed boundaries with its dark humor and diverse cast, becoming Netflix’s most-watched original series. Uzo Aduba has won two Emmys for her nuanced, empathetic portrayal of a black lesbian woman struggling with mental illness, a character rarely seen on mainstream television.
Data Can Enhance Creative Projects — Just Look at Netflix
Number-crunching can connect creators and niche audiences.
January 23, 2018
With the recent explosion of shows produced by Silicon Valley companies like Amazon and Netflix comes a fear that entertainment will increasingly be shaped by analysts crunching numbers rather than creatives following their artistic vision. But in fact, data-driven platforms are giving high-quality, innovative entertainment a place to shine. Why? Because they can connect content and audiences in a way that broadcasters never could. Ultimately, this all leads to a better customer experience and a new type of relationship between consumers and content providers.
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