• Breaking Down the Freelance Economy

    Global Business Digital Article
    Who counts, and who doesn't.
  • Solve America’s Employment Crisis With a Netflix Prize

    Innovation Digital Article
    An entire generation’s prosperity vanishing, food stamp use exploding. Welcome to the jobless future. This month’s jobs numbers drive home the point. The unemployment rate fell at the fastest rate for years — great news, right? Wrong. The lion’s share of the gains came from (wait for it) “temporary help services.” See what just happened? […]
  • In 2009, Match the Urge to Purge with a Zest to Invest

    Recessions Digital Article
    It’s become the mantra of the moment: “A crisis is a terrible thing to waste.” Leaders everywhere are struggling to make sense of the worldwide economic crisis, to learn lessons that will guide them and their companies going forward. My worry is that too many leaders are learning the wrong lessons — they are becoming […]
  • What Small Businesses Need to Survive the Coronavirus Crisis

    Global Business Digital Article
    Cash, capital, and support from legislators.
  • 2009 Will Be an Economic Engine for Change

    Recessions Digital Article
    The 2008 recession is an economic firestorm unlike anything the country has seen since the Great Depression. But 2009 is shaping up to be a trigger for an unprecedented surge of innovation that may be one of the most important turning points in the last 100 years. While things are undoubtedly more difficult these days, […]
  • Innovating in the Great Disruption

    Innovation Digital Article
    While the global economy began slowing down in late 2007, forces transforming the face of business trace back more than a decade. Over that time period, technological improvements have made it ever easier to start and scale a business. Convergence went from being a cliché to a reality. Companies from countries like China, India, and […]
  • IdeaCast: the Zombieconomy

    Economics Digital Article
    Last month, I sat down with editor extraordinaire Sarah Green to discuss much of what we’ve been talking about here during the last few months: the zombieconomy, the changing nature of advantage, and thriving during the downturn. Here’s our discussion, edited a bit for length. Enjoy! Download this podcast
  • The Risks of Global Economic Stagnation

    Leadership & Managing People Case Study
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    In early 2016, stock markets around the world plummeted, raising the threat of another major depression enveloping the world. In their struggle to recover...
  • Recession 2008: Take the Offensive

    Recessions Digital Article
    Being neither an ardent football fan nor an economist, I nonetheless find much of my news absorption these days dominated either by the Super Bowl (yes, I am from New England) or the possibility of a looming recession. So, if you’ll allow me this week, I’ll offer my reflections on those two pending events. There […]
  • The Sharing Economy: Your Business Model's Friend or Foe?

    Leadership & Managing People Digital Article
    The sharing economy, a rising pattern in consumption behavior that is essentially based on accessing and reusing products to utilize idle capacity, presents...