
Featuring Shalene Gupta, writer, journalist, and a co-author of The Power of Trust: How Companies Build It, Lose It, and Regain It.

Complimentary HBR Webinar

Wednesday, June 12, 12:00 pm ET

For companies, the advent of generative AI presents an enormous paradigm shift with the potential for big rewards, but also with significant risks.

On the one hand, generative AI is a new capability that promises enormous productivity gains.

On the other hand, the risks of wading through this untested ground are potentially enormous.

Leaders face a dilemma: how to move forward with experiments to realize the benefits of generative AI while maintaining the trust of customers, employees, and the public.

In a live, interactive Ask HBR webinar on June 12, journalist and writer Shalene Gupta helped leaders navigate this dilemma.

Gupta shared the four dimensions of trust and will lay out the four key questions that leaders must ask and answer to assess the trustworthiness of their company’s AI:

  • Competence: Is AI the right tool for the job at hand?
  • Motives: What does it mean to be a good actor?
  • Means: How can we be fair?
  • Impact: How will we respond to problems?

AI is a top priority on virtually every CEO’s agenda. The challenge is how to move quickly in getting experience with AI to realize its benefits while maintaining the company’s reputation and brand.