• Walgreens CEO Roz Brewer to Leaders: Put Your Phones Away and Listen to Employees

    Global Business Digital Article
    Brewer says inclusion and equity are about making employees feel seen and heard.
  • Executive Incentives vs. Corporate Growth

    Boards Magazine Article
    Bonuses and other forms of incentive compensation are an effective motivator of executives to achieve ever higher earnings per share. The drive to produce short-term results, however, often influences management to forgo investment in capital equipment and R&D that would benefit the corporation several years hence even more than improved earnings next year would. The […]
  • The Case of the Religious Network Group

    Diversity and inclusion Magazine Article
    Network groups for black and Hispanic employees had been an unqualified success. Now a Christian group was forming—and Bill Thompson didn’t know what to think about it.
  • Should All Employees Feel Like Owners?

    Leadership Digital Article
    Apparently, my post on the “lunch lesson” rubbed some people the wrong way. When I opined that I found that leadership = responsibility = not always getting to eat lunch, this was, for some, the most heinous concept short of universal healthcare for illegal aliens. The comments that disagreed with me fell into a few […]
  • The Toxic Handler: Organizational Hero—and Casualty

    Organizational culture Magazine Article
    When companies cause emotional pain through nasty bosses, layoffs, and change, a certain breed of “healing” manager steps in to keep the gears moving. They are toxic handlers—unsung corporate heroes who save the day, but often pay a high price.
  • How to Lead When Your Team Is Exhausted — and You Are, Too

    Employee engagement HBR Bestseller
    The latest wave of Covid-19 is pushing us to new depths of personal resilience.
  • How to Pay Your Sales Force

    Motivating people Magazine Article
    Using the results of a survey of 380 companies in 34 industries, this author examines three basic types of compensation plans: salary, commission, and combination (salary plus commission). Most companies in the study favored a combination plan, but such plans have some disadvantages to offset their obvious attractiveness. The author sets out the possible reasons […]
  • 7 Fun Ideas to Make Your Team Meetings More Engaging

    Leadership & Managing People Advice
    In a virtual setting, working hard may come with playing hard.
  • Defend Your Research: The Early Bird Really Does Get the Worm

    Motivating people Magazine Article
    The finding: People whose performance peaks in the morning are better positioned for career success, because they’re more proactive than people who are at their best in the evening. The study: Biologist Christoph Randler surveyed 367 university students, asking what time of day they were most energetic and how willing and able they were to […]
  • What Counts Most in Motivating Your Sales Force?

    Motivating people Magazine Article
    For decades the difficulty of motivating salespeople has been frustrating sales and marketing managers. To the most effective ones, two things are clear: one, the job is difficult; two, there is no one simple solution. Believing that “good salespeople are born, not made,” many managers recognize that recruiting is important. Others holding that “if you […]