How does a business-to-business company find out exactly what end users do with its products? That was the question we wrestled with at the Thomson Corporation, because the people who buy from us are not the same people who actually use our products in their daily work. For Thomson, the answer has been to combine multiple methods of deep customer inquiry, from market surveys to observing users directly in their workplace. Those efforts have been part of a front-end customer strategy that has become the cornerstone of the company’s transformation. This strategy has included asking lawyers, accountants, financial analysts, investment managers, scientific researchers, and other professionals who use our products and services what they do on a minute-by-minute basis. Then we’ve systematically sought to deliver solutions that meet their needs during each of those hours. By doing so, we’ve learned how to help end users with their work in ways that might otherwise never have occurred to us.

A version of this article appeared in the March 2008 issue of Harvard Business Review.