An Orlando news reporter was recently stirring up controversy over nonprofit CEO salaries. She asked Charity Navigator’s CEO Ken Berger, “Do you think these [nonprofit] CEOs deserve these big salaries?” Here’s the video of Ken’s reply: “…if you’re talking about big, like $150,000 — then I would say yes. If you’re talking about half a million dollars, a million dollars, no! no…If you want to make that kind of money there’s something called the for-profit sector and you should feel free to go and work there.” That opinion is at odds with the Charity Navigator website itself, which clearly ties compensation to the size of the enterprise: “…we encourage you to look at CEO compensation as a percentage of total expenses. A charity CEO compensation of $200,000 for an organization spending $20 million per year (1%) probably seems much more reasonable than the same salary for a $1 million organization (20% of expenses for one person).”